Wandering Community Centre Upgrade Gets a Step Closer!

Published on Friday, 19 August 2022 at 1:35:17 PM

The Wandering Community Centre was built in 1986.  This building is the hub for the Wandering Community and has been identified as a building that needs to be upgraded to ensure that community expectations of a modern facility are addressed and the building is fit for purpose going into the future.


According to the latest census data the Shire of Wandering recorded a huge population growth of 20.49% from 444 in 2016 to 535 in 2021.


In 2019 a working group was formed from various Community Members and have been working with Council Representatives and an Architect to develop a design that meets the above objectives and it is now time to progress this further to the next stage.


Key aspects of the upgrade include:

  • Extension of the existing kitchen and construction of a new store-room
  • Refurbishment of the existing toilets to incorporate universal access toilets
  • Construction of a new veranda overlooking the oval
  • Construction of new sports amenities and dedicated storage for community/sporting groups
  • Installation of a universal access ramp from the Community Centre to the Oval.


The Shire has recently formed the Wandering Community Centre Upgrade Committee, this committee directly reports to Council and has now taken over from the Wandering Community Centre Upgrade Working Group. 


The Wandering Community Centre Upgrade Committee recently had its first meeting and at its Ordinary Meeting of Council on 21 July 2022 Council voted to move forward with the preparation of a concept plan and a full costing by a Quantity Surveyor.  The Shire President and other Shire Councillors are excited that this project is progressing and agree that the building will be a much valued asset to the town once it is completed.


Once the concept plan and costings have been completed and endorsed by the Committee, engagement with the community by undertaking community consultation and seeking their feedback on the concept plan will be undertaken.


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